Celebrating our 75-Year Members

As summer rolls in, we take time to celebrate Sisters’ accomplishments big and small. Today calls for the celebration of Chi Omega’s 75-year members – Sisters who reflect on their many years of experiencing Chi Omega’s love and continuing their journey through life while keeping our values ever at heart.

A word from our Alumnae Engagement team

“This spring, the Alumnae Engagement Team set out to connect with 423 Sisters celebrating 75-years in Chi Omega. Alumnae across the country answered our call and in just four hours, 650 Sisters volunteered to reach out to our 75-Year Sisters via handwritten letter or in-person visit.”

Alyssa Denuyl | Alumnae Engagement Team; Milestones Team Lead

"Our 75-year member recognition program is very special for the Sisters we are honoring as well as for those who volunteer to make the in-person visits and send the handwritten letters. Meaningful connections are made, and beautiful friendships are formed by Sisters through this amazing initiative. We are grateful to all who make this project possible and look forward to honoring a new group of 75-year members next year! For more information, join our 'Honoring our 75-year Members' COmmunity group on ChiO&Co."

Kay Calloway | Director of Engagement

Meet some of our 75-year members!

Jacqueline joined Chi Omega as a sophomore at Bradley University 75 years ago. Studying math and biology during her college years lead her to work at a doctor’s office for several years after graduation. Jaqueline got married to her husband, moved to California – in her Ford convertible might we add, and became a mother to two boys and a girl. She found her new Chi Omega home at the Sacramento Chi Omega alumnae group where she would play bridge for hours and made two new lifelong friends! She now continues to play bridge two to three times a week and enjoys spending time in her home decorated with owls.

Jaqueline Dobberteen, 75-Year Member

Dory joined Chi Omega at the University of Texas El Paso, Rho Delta. After graduation, Dory taught junior high English in Childress, Texas where her husband was in the oil business. She and her husband, now deceased, moved to Fort Worth in 2008 as one of her two sons lives there. Dory is energetic, engaging, and participates in activities of the senior living facility where she has a lovely 16th floor view of the city. Her home was adorned with several owls that our Chi Omega eyes were quick to spot. She also has a Chi Omega halcyon crest box right inside her foyer!

Dory Dugan, 75-Year Member

Marianne grew up in Houston, attending the University of Texas where she chose math as her major. She enjoys sharing stories about her travels, her family, and her favorite Sisterhood experiences. Marianne was initiated into the Iota Chapter and says that “choosing Chi Omega was one of the greatest decisions of my life.” Marianne is a mother to all boys and, of course, her poodle, Angie. She continues to live independently in her own home, drives, and competed in ladies’ golf until age 89 winning seven senior championships along the way! 

Marianne Bergfield, 75-Year Member

Mary Ann is an Initiate of the Lambda Alpha Chapter at University of Kentucky. This Sister was recognized at our Sips and Sisters event in Lexington, Kentucky, where she realized and let leaders know that she too was a 75-year member. Immediately, a celebration was put in place and all attendees congratulated this Sister on her dedication and love for Chi Omega through the years. Here she is seen with Sister S.M. Elaine Baker who was also attending the event! If there is anything we know about Chi Omegas, it’s that we love to celebrate each other every chance – this is a perfect example of just that.

Mary Ann Davis, 75-Year Member

Chi Omega truly is for a lifetime. Whether you just joined, or are celebrating many years of Sisterhood, Chi Omega is special to each and every one of us. There is so much love in Chi Omega!




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