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Interested in Joining Chi Omega?
Every year, thousands of women join Chi Omega, the largest fraternal women’s organization with 181 collegiate chapters and over 418,000 Initiates. Membership in Chi Omega provides lifelong friendships, campus and community involvement, and countless opportunities for personal growth and development in college and beyond. Chi Omega offers a home in your new college environment and a place where you can make a difference and thrive!
Our Fraternity’s vast network of alumnae plays a critical role in providing information so that Chi Omega and young women can learn about each other, and we now offer multiple pathways to introduction. Click below to learn more!
Chi Omega Legacy: Chi Omega defines a legacy as a sister or a daughter of a Chi Omega in good standing. Granddaughters, cousins, and nieces of Chi Omegas have close ties but are not Chi Omega legacies. Being designated as a Chi Omega legacy does not guarantee membership in Chi Omega. Chi Omega collegiate chapters set their own legacy policies according to the number of invites allowed by their campus panhellenic.
For Collegiate Members: Collegiate Letter of Introduction, As a collegiate Sister, you offer a unique connection to your peers looking to join Chi Omega and play a key role in introducing us to PNMs.
For Potential New Members (PNM): The PNM Interest Form, PNM, if you have searched high and low and can’t find a Chi Omega to connect with, please click here.
For Alumnae: Recruitment Introduction Form (RIF), As a Chi Omega alumna, it is an honor to be asked to provide a Recruitment Introduction Form (RIF). You are the key to connecting Chi Omega to women in your community. Seek these women out and share with them what Chi Omega has meant to you and how it has benefitted your life.
What are the lifetime benefits of joining Chi Omega?
Sorority membership provides an opportunity for members to reach their fullest potentials and gain access to a supportive network of women that will help them grow far beyond their college days. Membership in fraternal organizations have been linked to higher well-being for college graduates
In a 2021 Gallup-Purdue Index Study, it was found that college graduates who were in fraternities and sororities were more likely to be thriving in all five critical elements of well-being (purpose, social, financial, physical and community). Subjects were found to have:
Great Experiences in College and Workplace: Affiliated alumni are substantially more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to have had all the Gallup defined “positive college experiences”, and result in better workplaces, and life outcomes after graduation.
Great Jobs: Affiliated alumni are more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to be engaged after graduation.
Great lives: Affiliated alumni are more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to be thriving multiple areas of their lives. They are better able to take care of their own basic needs, adapt to change, and contribute to the support and success of their organizations and communities.
There is a Chi Omega chapter on my campus. How do I join?
In order to become a member of Chi Omega, you will need to participate in recruitment on your college campus.
As a member of the National Panhellenic Conference (NPC), Chi Omega may participate in any of these four recruitment styles:
Fully Structured Recruitment
Partially Structured Recruitment
Minimally Structured Recruitment
Continuous Recruitment
We encourage you to reach out to the Office of Student Life or the Office of Fraternity and Sorority life on your campus to learn how to register for sorority recruitment.
There is not a Chi Omega chapter on my campus. How does one get started?
Chi Omega chapters are founded through a process called “extension.” Extension is the addition of a National Panhellenic Conference chapter to the Panhellenic community on a college or university campus, or the establishment of a fraternity/sorority community on a campus where previously none had existed.
Since its Founding, Chi Omega has sought national growth, offering the Chi Omega experience to outstanding young women from coast to coast. Chi Omega receives inquiries about extension from university Panhellenic associations, local sororities seeking national affiliation, individual students, and alumnae. Chi Omega carefully considers each opportunity, does research, and chooses thoughtfully what is best for the Fraternity at the time.
The NPC Extension Committee will assist any campus wishing to add a NPC chapter or establish a Panhellenic system or any local sorority wishing to affiliate with a national organization. To contact NPC and learn more go to their website.

Contact Chi Omega
Chi Omega Fraternity | 3395 Players Club Parkway | Memphis, TN 38125
Phone: 901.748.8600 Fax: 901.748.8686