About the Chi Omega Foundation
The Chi Omega Foundation is the vehicle through which alumnae, collegiate members, and friends of Chi Omega provide tax-deductible charitable support of the Fraternity’s educational and leadership training for all members. Contributions to the Foundation provide the margin of excellence to deliver life-changing scholarships, grants, educational and leadership programs, as well as tools and resources to the Fraternity’s membership.
Meet the Foundation Board of Trustees!
Why I give
Whether you have experienced a leadership program, safety and wellness resources, a scholarship,
or Helping Hands support, you just want to ensure Chi Omega will be experienced by future generations, we ask that you give your “why.”
Your gifts to the Foundation are vital to the support of:
The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega
Chi Omega’s premier leadership training program. Topics such as values and ethics help develop our members into leaders in their communities, careers, and campuses.
The Judith Babcock National and Chapter Scholarship Program of Chi Omega
Academic achievement is a top priority for Chi Omega. Click below to learn more about our continuing educational scholarship program for alumnae.
Risk Management Education
Chi Omega’s nationally recognized leadership in confronting alcohol abuse on campus has reached thousands in combating this significant threat to Greek Life. Foundation donors make this possible.
Communication & Technology Infrastructure
We provide a technological infrastructure that is the daily lifeline of Chi Omega’s numerous member services and resources. Alumnae and collegians can use their password to access the Training and Resource Center for helpful tools.