Ways to Invest
The Chi Omega Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization supporting the Fraternity’s educational and leadership training for all members. Gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.
The Chi Omega Foundation tax identification number is 31-0936294.
Donor Advised Fund
A donor advised fund, which is like a charitable savings account, gives you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to the Chi Omega Foundation and other qualified charities. You can recommend a grant or recurring grants now to make an immediate impact or use your fund as a tool for future charitable gifts.
the Chi Omega Ignite Fund, our Annual Fund:
Your gifts to the Chi Omega Ignite Fund support:
Leadership – Provide access to premier leadership opportunities for Sisters of all ages, including The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega.
Wellness and Safety Programing – Help members navigate the challenges facing all young women today with the knowledge and confidence to make informed and safe decisions in college and throughout their lives.
Membership Development Education – Supports training and resources for key chapter leaders through professional staff dedicated to training and programming as well as educational components of team trainings such as the National Advisory Training Team.
Sustaining the Fraternity Through Strategic Needs – Fund the immediate needs of the Fraternity. These dollars allow for a swift response to maintain a high degree of excellence for our membership.
The 1895 Society:
Alumnae and friends giving $1,000 or more (or $500 for young alumnae initiated in the last 15 years) within a calendar year qualify for membership into The 1895 Society.
Cardinal Gift Express Society – Recurring Gift/Automatic Withdrawal:
Save time and stamps all while helping Chi Omega plan for the future. Sign up for The Cardinal Gift Express Society by making automatic monthly payments by bank draft or by credit or debit card. You choose the amount and the duration of your giving and can start or stop donations at any time. Making a recurring gift allows you to build a significant contribution through smaller installments. For example, donors can join our 1895 Society (Our leadership giving club) for as little as $84 a month.
Give a Gift of Stock or Donation From your IRA:
The Chi Omega Foundation would be grateful for your gift of stock or a donation from your IRA. Email foundation@chiomega.com for stock and IRA transfer instructions.
Include Chi Omega in Your Will:
We hope you will consider including the Chi Omega Foundation in your estate plans. A planned gift can help ensure the work of the Chi Omega Foundation will endure for future generations. There are many gift tools available to those who wish to include the Foundation in their long-range philanthropic plans.
Collegiate Giving for Persephone’s Circle:
Collegiate donors who give $18.95 or more in a calendar year are recognized as members of Persephone’s Circle.
Employer Matching Gifts:
Increase your gift to the Chi Omega Foundation through your employer’s matching gift program. To learn if your employer will match your donation to the Chi Omega Foundation, please check with your human resources department to learn about your company’s matching gift program.
Tribute gifts:
Support Chi Omega and celebrate a Sister or family member’s life by giving a gift in honor of or in memory of that special person.
Create a permanent tribute with an engraved brick at Executive Headquarters. Place an engraved brick on the Centennial Walk in the beautiful Myth Garden for a gift of $150. To create your permanent tribute with an engraved brick, click here.
Underwrite a beautiful, leather-bound Chapter History volume to be permanently displayed in the Executive Headquarters’ archives for underwriting at $150. A commemorative bookplate will contain your name or those special to you. To purchase a Chapter History volume, click here.
For all tribute gifts, Chi Omega Foundation will notify the honoree or the family of those memorialized.
Please contact Chi Omega Foundation at 901.748.8600 or email at foundation@chiomega.com with questions or for assistance.