Wellness and Safety
Chi Omega is actively educating our members about wellness and safety, personal responsibility, and good decision-making practices.
Providing wellness and safety and alcohol education is an extremely important aspect of helping our members make solid decisions. Chi Omega’s approach to alcohol education is a matter of health and safety for the entire duration of a woman’s life.
Chi Omega remains committed to providing current information so our members are aware of the health implications of alcohol use and training so our members will be equipped to make appropriate personal decisions. Some of the alcohol specific trainings include wellness and safety chapter visits, online wellness and safety modules, and Mock Trial visits. Each of these programs is supported through grants from the Chi Omega Foundation. Your donations to the Chi Omega Foundation can make it possible for more Chi Omega members to benefit from this exceptional training. Click here to support.
Sisterhood Starts here
Sisterhood Starts Here is Chi Omega’s new online wellness and safety education, presented with a mental health lens. Written and presented by Dr. Lauren Cook (Gamma Beta | UCLA, ’10), Sisterhood Starts Here provides Chi Omegas with the tools and resources to keep themselves and their Sisters safe and well. Introduced in spring 2024 for new members, Sisterhood Starts Here includes curated content per collegiate year and advisors, and the curriculum for sophomores, juniors, and seniors will be introduced in fall 2024. Additionally, newly developed resources for advisors are included in the Sisterhood Starts Here curriculum. Sample curricular topics include hazing prevention, social anxiety, navigating transition, substance abuse prevention, bystander intervention, and the power of mindset.
Collegiate Chapter Wellness and Safety Visits
Chi Omega conducts wellness and safety visits for various collegiate chapters each semester. A team of facilitators from Chi Omega’s Wellness and Safety committee deliver dynamic and interactive workshops designed to increase knowledge and skills surrounding a variety of wellness related topics. Current offerings include Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP) and Her Welfare Ever at Heart: Mental Health and Belonging.
Alcohol Skills Training Program (ASTP)
The curriculum used in these visits is based on ASTP, a skills-training approach using motivational interviewing techniques in its delivery with a focus on drinking in a less dangerous and risky way for those who make the choice to drink. The curriculum is scientifically based and proven to get results.
Her Welfare Ever at Heart: Mental Health and Belonging
The curriculum used in these visits encourages Sisters to reflect on their current state of mental and emotional well-being and delve deeper into the meaning and importance of belonging for well-being. Sisters review how to build a culture of empathy and vulnerability within the chapter and learn how to make chapter improvements to ensure there is an increased feeling of belonging for our Sisterhood. At least one facilitator is a mental health professional.
Sisterhood Chats
Chi Omega is a place to elevate women and foster real connection through meaningful conversations. Friendship is our first and most enduring purpose. Everything we do should support friendship and belonging across all grade levels. Just as new members experience a small group approach through the Sisterhood Support Team (SST), Sisterhood Chats and weekly small group conversations are a way for Chi Omega to continue providing a personalized and impactful experience for all members through discussion on a variety of topics. Sisterhood Chats and our NEW weekly small group conversations will not add more to chapter programming; instead, it is adding depth to what is already being done. Chi Omega is confident that these conversations will cultivate even stronger bonds within your chapter that will last a lifetime.
Mock Trials
Mock Trials teach chapter members, officers, and advisors about the potential legal consequences of members failing to follow the rules or chapters failing to enforce violations of wellness and safety protocols. This eye-opening and transformative program is presented to select chapters annually by Chi Omegas who are licensed attorneys.
Anti-Hazing Hotline
The Greek Anti-Hazing Hotline, established in 2007 by a consortium of national fraternities and sororities, is currently sponsored by 55 national and international Greek organizations.
The Hotline provides an anonymous telephone line for anyone to report a suspected or recent hazing incident to one number 1-888-NOT-HAZE (1-888-668-4293) that accepts calls 24 hours a day. The Hotline connects to a dedicated voice mailbox at Manley Burke, LPA. The calls are automatically saved as audio files that are then transmitted by e-mail to the headquarters of the fraternity or sorority named in the report. This is true whether or not the reports are about one of the sponsors or another organization. In some instances, reports are about athletic teams, bands or clubs. When those calls are received, the institution where the organization is located is contacted.
In addition to the toll-free telephone number, reports may be made directly on this page. Just as with the phone calls, all messages are directed to Manley Burke, LPA. The reports are then forwarded to the national organization named in the report. To report known or suspected hazing, click here. Please clearly identify the organization and university that you are reporting.