The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega + Mission Statement
The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega provides leadership training and education for women to foster personal growth and to prepare them to serve the world.
The Laurie Leadership Institute is a distinguished program designed to engage alumnae and collegiate members in leadership development and life skills training that is both insightful and inspiring. Through this training, we empower our members to explore concepts and strategies that result in extensive personal growth. Our goal is to develop professionals who, in turn, will share their knowledge and skills with others on their campuses and in their communities. All sessions require independent reflection, engaging in structured small and large group conversation, and participating in a variety of Sisterhood experiences.
Supported by a grant from the Chi Omega Foundation, the Laurie Leadership Institute offers a curriculum library designed to address a wide variety of leadership topics and skills. These workshops are developed by Chi Omegas for Chi Omegas to address the most relevant issues facing both collegiate and alumnae members today. An elite team of Chi Omega alumnae travels nationwide each year to present this content in an engaging and interactive environment, fostering Sisterhood and personal growth.
current workshops offered:
The Resilient Leader Flagship Experience
Strengths-based awareness
Impact of coping and community
Leading with resilience
The Intentional Leader Flagship Experience
Life dashboard
Values and Strengths
Purpose and vision board
Living with Purpose
Personal values inventory
Values-based decision making
Courageous leadership
Cultivating Restorative Habits
Reflection on current habits
“The Habits Loop”
Shifting draining habits to restorative habits
Leveraging Your Strengths
Understanding Strengths
Strategies for leveraging strengths
Working effectively with others
The Laurie Leadership Institute impacts Chi Omegas in a variety of ways, from the Flagship weekend in Memphis, Tennessee, to leadership development programming at national meetings. Collegiate and alumnae chapters also have the opportunity to experience these workshops through alumnae and collegiate chapter sessions throughout the year. For more information about bringing the Laurie Leadership Institute to your chapter, contact the Executive Headquarters.
FlagShip Session
Each year, a select group of incredible Chi Omega collegians and alumnae from across the country travel to Memphis, Tennessee, for Laurie Leadership Institute Flagship Sessions. A team of talented Chi Omega facilitators leads participants through an inspirational weekend of personal growth and Sisterhood, with all costs covered by the Chi Omega Foundation.
The next Flagship Session of The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega will take place April 25-27 in Memphis, TN.
Current Topic: The Resilient Leader
In an ever-changing world, resilience is an important skill for Chi Omega leaders at every stage of life. Collegiate and alumnae participants will focus on understanding their unique strengths through an individual strengths assessment, and learn how to leverage them to move through setbacks and adversity, recognizing that these challenges often lead to immense growth.
Current Topic: The Intentional Leader
A follow-on workshop to The Resilient Leader, The Intentional Leader aims to foster even deeper personal insight and growth through reflection, vision, and action in a retreat-like experience. This in-person, coaching-based program provides an opportunity for alumnae to look objectively at their lives and goals, assessing their individual values and strengths, and exploring how to make meaningful change.
Collegiate Chapter Workshops
Each semester, collegiate chapters can apply to bring the Laurie Leadership Institute to their campuses! If selected to participate, a team of Chi Omega facilitators will provide a dynamic and interactive workshop for your chapter.
Living with purpose
In this workshop, members embark on a journey to identify their personal values, and recognize the common values that unite the chapter and the larger Sisterhood of Chi Omega. Knowing that there will be times when those values are challenged, participants will explore the concept of courage, and develop strategies for living purposefully.
Cultivating Restorative Habits
In this workshop, Sisters have the opportunity to reflect on their current habits, identify those that energize or drain them, and understand The Habit Loop – how habits are created and reinforced. From there, participants will explore how to make changes to the habit cycle in order to cultivate restorative habits.
Alumnae Sessions
Alumnae chapters can also apply to bring the Laurie Leadership Institute to their area! If selected to participate, a team of our outstanding Chi Omega facilitators will join your alumnae chapter for a meaningful and engaging session.
Leveraging Your Strengths
In this workshop, participants dive into Gallup’s CliftonStrengths assessment to create deeper self-awareness through their unique talent profile. Through reflection and group discussion, participants will explore how to leverage their individual talents in relationships with others to excel both personally and professionally.

Contact the Executive Headquarters with additional questions, or if you’re interested in learning more about bringing the Laurie Leadership Institute to your chapter.
Your Financial Support Matters!
The Nancy Walton Laurie Leadership Institute of Chi Omega is powered by support from the Chi Omega Foundation and our exceptional volunteers. Your donations to the Chi Omega Foundation make it possible for Chi Omega members to experience these invaluable leadership development opportunities. If you would like to make a contribution to support the work of the Laurie Leadership Institute, please use the link below.