For Parents

Chi Omega recognizes that many parents are understandably concerned about the well-being and safety of their daughters. Below are some questions parents may have regarding the sorority membership experience and what Chi Omega is doing to ensure the welfare of every Sister is kept ‘ever at heart.’

What is the return on investment for sorority life now?

Sorority membership provides an opportunity for members to reach their fullest potentials and gain access to a supportive network of women that will help them grow far beyond their college days. Membership in fraternal organizations have been linked to higher well-being for college graduates

In a 2014 Gallup-Purdue Index Study, it was found that college graduates who were in fraternities and sororities were more likely to be thriving in all five critical elements of well-being (purpose, social, financial, physical and community). Subjects were found to have:

  • Felt more motivated to achieve goals

  • Had stronger emotional support systems

  • Been more effective at managing economic life and increased financial security

  • Been more likely to be engaged in the community

  • Higher rates of physical wellbeing

  • Fraternity and sorority members were also found to be more engaged in the workplace and invested in experiential learning opportunities

  • This video provides additional information on the benefits of membership in fraternal organizations.

In a new Gallop-Purdue Index Study conducted in 2021, the positive impact Greek Life had on members not only effected their collegiate years, but the post-graduate life also.

  • Great Experiences in College and Workplace: Affiliated alumni are substantially more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to have had all the Gallup defined “positive college experiences”, and result in better workplaces, and life outcomes after graduation.

  • Great Jobs: Affiliated alumni are more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to be engaged after graduation.

  • Great lives: Affiliated alumni are more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to be thriving multiple areas of their lives. They are better able to take care of their own basic needs, adapt to change, and contribute to the support and success of their organizations and communities.

Majorities of affiliated alumni are thriving in every aspect of their affiliated well-being, and they are more likely than nonaffiliated alumni to be thriving in each area:


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2023 Parents Brochure

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What are Chi Omega's Covid Guidelines?

Chi Omega continues to monitor information regarding COVID-19. All chapters are advised to follow university, community and CDC guidelines when it comes to events and other chapter operations.

How will joining Chi Omega help my daughter’s college experience now?

Normalcy has been taken away from incoming college students, as many of them had the celebrations associated with the end of one’s high school career taken away. Now, with the transition to college already overwhelming, students face the challenge of navigating an altered college experience.

Chi Omega can provide structure and opportunities for new members to get plugged into a values-based community right away, despite the changes to the traditional college experience.

Our Sisterhood can ease the intimidating and overwhelming transition into college, give members a support system to help them grow and find true belonging, and help them find their passions through well rounded experiences.

Further, Chi Omega will provide your daughter with a strong connection to her university and college life, especially with members who have had years already on campus. This experience can be translated and replicated by older Chi Omega Sisters in a way first year students without the network Chi Omega provides will not have.

Why is Chi Omega the right choice?

Chi Omega is the largest sorority in the National Panhellenic Conference, with the most members and the most collegiate chapters. While we are proud of being the largest fraternal network for women, we are even more proud of the values our Sisters exhibit every day.

Rather than focusing on “fitting in,” Chi Omega provides a space for our members to belong… a place for Sisters to connect with like-hearted friends who live authentically and who are there for one another when it matters.  

A Chi Omega’s collegiate years are just the beginning. Sisters will find lifelong support systems and meaningful connections through the largest alumnae network of any sorority. No matter your location, career, or interest, you will always find a Sister to connect with – even if it’s through Zoom.