Sisters on Purpose: Chi Omega Convention 2016

More than 1,300 alumnae and collegiate Sisters came together at the Grande Lakes Resort in Orlando this June for the 61st Biennial Chi Omega Convention.

The first night of Convention marked the release of Chi Omega’s new visual identity, including a new logo and tagline: Sisters on purpose. This new look gives a modern identity to our Sisterhood that will represent our membership today and for years to come.

The Epsilon Alpha Chapter conducted a beautiful initiation ceremony for the entire Convention delegation for Supreme Governing Council Model Initiate Natalie Thompson, who was joined for the ceremony by her mother, sister, grandmother, and many other Chi Omega family members and friends.

We were honored to recognize many collegiate and alumnae members during Convention for their service to Chi Omega, including Presidents’ Award recipient and former S.H. Letitia Fulkerson (Zeta Alpha/The Ohio State University). Watch the video presentation announcing Sister Fulkerson

For our required delegates, Convention 2016 focused on programming with purpose. Educational workshops connected brand positioning with strategic programming decisions and leadership training, all anchored by Chi Omega’s vision and purposes.

The weekend ended with the Governing Council serenade in the Citrus Garden, honoring our newly appointed Governing Council members for the 2016-18 biennium. We are thrilled to welcome Gena Staggs Runnion (Psi/University of Arkansas) to her first term on the Governing Council and are so grateful to former S.K.A. Jane McWilliams Tankersley (Epsilon Delta/U of Southern Mississippi) for her dedicated service to Chi Omega.

Convention 2016 was a great time to be a Chi Omega! Mark your calendars for Firesides 2017 in Memphis this February and Convention 2018 in Phoenix.

2016-18 Chi Omega Governing Council:

S.H.: Shelley Eubanks Potter (Xi Kappa/Texas A&M)

S.T.B.: Laura Shrode Miller (Rho Epsilon/Texas Christian U)

S.K.A.: Gena Staggs Runnion (Psi/U of Arkansas)

S.N.V.: Anna Funderburk Buckner (Alpha Beta/Auburn U)

S.M.: Missy Ganaway Pask (Sigma Alpha/Miami U)


Congratulations to our 2017 Award-Winning Chapters!


Distinguished Alumnae Honored by Chi Omega