Chi Omega’s
Mission Statement
Chi Omega is an intergenerational women’s organization forever committed to our founding purposes:
Personal Integrity
Service to Others
Academic Excellence and Intellectual Pursuits
Community and Campus Involvement
Personal and Career Development
Chi Omega’s
Vision Statement
Sisters inspired by our values who serve the world while keeping Chi Omega ever at heart.
The Chi Omega Symphony
“To live constantly above snobbery of word or deed; to place scholarship before social obligations and character before appearances; to be in the best sense, democratic rather than “exclusive”, and lovable rather than “popular”; to work earnestly, to speak kindly, to act sincerely, to choose thoughtfully that course which occasion and conscience demand; to be womanly always; to be discouraged never; in a word, to be loyal under any and all circumstances to my Fraternity and her highest teachings and to have her welfare ever at heart that she may be a symphony of high purpose and helpfulness in which there is no discordant note.”
Written by Ethel Switzer Howard, Xi Chapter, 1904
Our Purposes
Our Sisters are committed to Chi Omega’s six purposes. These purposes guide each Chi Omega member and include the following:
High Standards of Personnel
Sincere Learning and Creditable Scholarship
Participation in Campus Activities
Career Development
Community Service
The message of “personal responsibility” cannot be shared enough. Each member’s choices and actions affect the entire chapter and our national organization.
By embracing Chi Omega’s six purposes and placing our values at the root of our words, thoughts, and actions, we are able to truly enjoy one another as Sisters and as friends.
“However magnificent Chi Omega’s purposes, realization of them is determined by the ability of the individual members. Each individual’s resourcefulness is in proportion to the strength of the desire to succeed, guided by intelligence.”
– Mary Love Collins, Chi Omega National President, 1910-1952
Click below to view the 2024 Parents’ Brochure.
Our Policies
Visit the Chi Omega Training and Resource Center on chiomega.com/everyday to find related resources.
Policy on
Chi Omega members represent different racial, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Our membership is comprised of women who reflect and live the values of Chi Omega. We strive to uphold our purposes, which encourage us to form a network of friends with high standards and similar values. Chi Omega supports personal growth, learning, and service to others. With the six purposes as our guide, we recruit women into our Sisterhood circle who will contribute to the harmony in the chapter and who demonstrate our values.
Policy on
Human Dignity
Chi Omega respects all individuals. Each member and new member should be treated with respect and dignity. Likewise, each member and new member is expected to uphold the honor and dignity of Chi Omega on all occasions. Chi Omega Ritual supports the principle that dignity is an inalienable right of each individual.
Policy on
Chi Omega recognizes that its members and new members are students first. In Chi Omega, grades must be demonstrated before initiation. If a member cannot fulfill her academic obligations AND her chapter obligations, she must separate from Chi Omega and concentrate on her studies. This is only fair to the student and the chapter. Chi Omega has academic standards for chapters as well.
Policy on
Chi Omega membership supports personal growth and offers positive experiences. There is no place for hazing in Chi Omega. Hazing is the antithesis of what is found in our Chi Omega Ritual and teachings. Members and new members must thoughtfully and deliberately avoid conduct that could negatively impact others in any way. This holds true within Chi Omega and beyond our Sisterhood circle.
Policy on
Alcohol & Drugs
The safety of our chapter members is a priority. Realizing that alcohol abuse is common on college campuses, this policy is in place to reduce risk among chapters and chapter members. Chi Omega expects each member to follow the federal, state, and local laws pertaining to alcohol. This expectation is reliant on personal responsibility and good decision-making. No member should pressure or encourage or force someone to consume alcohol. Every member and new member must consider the impact her decision to drink can have on herself, her chapter, and the Fraternity.
Policy on
Community Service & Philanthropy
Chi Omega makes a difference on campus and in the surrounding community. This policy ensures that Chi Omega chapters undertake meaningful projects that put Chi Omega values into action. The national expectation for community service is that each chapter annually participate in one project that serves the local or national community. Chi Omega members are encouraged to become involved in determining which projects the chapter supports, and then actively participate. Chi Omega Ritual promotes self-fulfillment through unselfishness and service.
Policy on
It a privilege to have a Chi Omega chapter facility, and it is special when that facility offers a living opportunity. Chi Omega housing must remain safe and desirable. The space must allow the most access to Chi Omegas. For these reasons, all visitors must be accompanied when on Chi Omega property. Sleeping quarters are maintained as private areas. Your chapter establishes its own visitation guidelines based on this policy.