Do you know a woman that would be a great Chi Omega?
Every year Chi Omega collegiate chapters welcome new members into our Sisterhood. Our Fraternity’s vast network of alumnae plays a critical role in providing information so that Chi Omega and young women can learn about each other, and we now offer multiple pathways to introduction. Alumnae are ready and willing to complete a Recruitment Introduction Form (RIF) on women they know that are interested in joining. Current Chi Omega collegiate members are now able to send a letter of support to Chi Omega chapters other than their own to share information on potential new members (PNMs), and women who do not know a Chi Omega in their community have the ability to express interest in the sorority experience by filling out an online form. Click below to learn more!
As a Chi Omega alumna, it is an honor to be asked to provide a Recruitment Introduction Form (RIF). You are the key to connecting Chi Omega to women in your community. Seek these women out and share with them what Chi Omega has meant to you and how it has benefitted your life. See below for more information on how to submit.
New Members
PNMs, if you have searched high and low and can’t find a Chi Omega to connect with, click here to access the PNM Interest Form.
There are two versions of our Rif
Please log in to Everyday for both versions of the form with instructions. You may contact the Executive Headquarters for login help or RIF questions at 901.748.8600 or chiomega@chiomega.com.
Online Version
The online version of the form is submitted immediately to the local collegiate and alumnae leaders. It is the most efficient way to introduce a woman for membership. For Sisters without internet access or who have any other questions, feel free to call Chi Omega Executive Headquarters at 901.748.8600.
Paper Version
If you prefer to mail a hard copy RIF form, you can locate address information for the appropriate recruitment volunteers by visiting Everyday. Once logged in, click on the link “Find Recruitment Contacts” to locate recruitment volunteers by state.
A word on Chi Omega Legacies
Chi Omega defines a legacy as a sister or a daughter of a Chi Omega in good standing. Granddaughters, cousins, and nieces of Chi Omegas have close ties but are not Chi Omega legacies. Being designated as a Chi Omega legacy does not guarantee membership in Chi Omega. Chi Omega collegiate chapters set their own legacy policies according to the number of invites allowed by their campus panhellenic.